In an earlier post, I talked about how nice it was to spend some time with Colonel Kelly Jordan and his staff at Culver Military Academy on April 12th in Culver, Indiana. I have a great deal of respect for the school’s mission and the unique way in which they develop the children enrolled there.
Following the morning’s DiSC workshop, I had the pleasure of walking around campus. It was a cold, windy day, especially right on the lake where the campus resides, but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take a look around the grounds of the boarding school. As I wandered, I thought about how fortunate I felt to be in that environment, contributing in my own small way to the continued development of Culver’s leaders and mentors. And, just as my thoughts turned toward the gratitude that I feel for the many ways in which Dan Miller of has inspired me to pursue my own dreams in life, I happened upon a beautiful statue of an eagle that stood prominently in one of the campus quads.
Anyone who has listened to the 48 Days podcast will know that Dan uses the eagle and its behavior to illustrate various business principles. The bird serves as the foundation for his mastermind group moniker, and its method of preparing its young for life outside the nest inspires his listeners to take flight in their own ways.
So, it is with all of this in mind that I paused to contemplate how meaningful it was that I should happen upon this image right in the very moment that I was reflecting upon my own recent “flight from the nest.” A conscious decision to step beyond my own comfort zone has taken me to places like Geneva, Switzerland, and Culver, Indiana, among others, successes that were both inspired and encouraged by Dan Miller and the very eagle that I suddenly saw before me. Some may have seen the fixture as a beautiful work of art and moved along. I took it as a sign that I was on the right path. The insight was reassuring.
Question: What signs cross your own path throughout the day? Do you take time to celebrate exciting evidence that you are indeed making choices that benefit you in authentic, meaningful ways? Leave your thoughts in the Comments section below.